Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Brisbane

An Integral Part Of Your Diagnosis


Metro Radiology’s quality Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan in Brisbane is facilitated by a state-of-the-art digital 3 Tesla (3T) MRI scanner, allowing high definition cross-sectional imaging and three-dimensional image reconstruction of the body without ionising radiation. While claustrophobia is a known problem experienced by many patients while having an MRI scan, our new digital 3T MRI scanner incorporates the latest advanced design, allowing for a more comfortable and faster scan.


Please note, appointments are mandatory for Metro Radiology’s Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan in Brisbane. Please phone our friendly staff on 1300 163 876 or (07) 33669123, or simply fill out our online form to book an appointment.


It will take approximately 30 minutes for the actual scan but special preparation will be required for certain scans, which will inevitably take longer. Upon booking your appointment, you will be given a more accurate time frame depending on your scan type and requirements.


All patients will be advised of the appropriate preparation when booking is made. Certain implantable medical devices are contraindicated to MRI, as a general guide, it is advised patients to inform our staff of the following devices at the time of booking:

  • Implantable cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, electrical stimulator or infusion pump
  • Previous insertion of aneurysm clips or coils, vascular stents or filters, or surgical shunts
  • Previous joint replacement
  • Ocular (eye) or Cochlear (ear) implants
  • Metallic shrapnels, piercings or foreign bodies in your body

Contact Us

Our staff will call you back within 1 business day to arrange bookings.